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Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre

Musée | Spilsby | Angleterre | Royaume Uni

Le Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre à Spilsby, en Angleterre, est un musée unique qui se concentre sur l'histoire de la Royal Air Force pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Il est particulièrement connu pour sa collection d'avions historiques, dont le célèbre Avro Lancaster NX611, également connu sous le nom de "Just Jane". Le centre permet aux visiteurs de plonger dans l'histoire de la guerre aérienne et du bombardement.

L'une des caractéristiques les plus remarquables du musée est la possibilité de prendre place à bord d'un bombardier Lancaster en état de marche. "Just Jane" est régulièrement utilisé pour des expériences spéciales, où les visiteurs peuvent ressentir la sensation d'un vrai vol lors d'un "Taxy Ride", même si l'avion ne vole plus. Cela offre un accès fascinant et émotionnel à l'histoire de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et aux expériences personnelles des membres d'équipage de l'époque.

En plus du Lancaster, le musée propose également des expositions sur d'autres avions historiques, comme le Mosquito, et offre des perspectives intéressantes sur la vie sur une base aérienne de guerre. Il présente de nombreux artefacts, dont des uniformes, des équipements et des photos, illustrant la vie des équipages d'avion et le travail acharné en coulisses du commandement des bombardiers.

Le centre propose également une gamme d'expériences interactives, telles que des visites guidées, permettant aux visiteurs d'en apprendre davantage sur les projets de restauration et la maintenance des avions. Le musée joue un rôle important dans la préservation de l'héritage de l'histoire de l'aviation et est un centre actif qui organise régulièrement des événements et des activités spéciales telles que des expériences en avion et des démonstrations historiques.

Dans l'ensemble, le Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage Centre offre une expérience approfondie et immersive pour les passionnés d'aviation et les visiteurs qui souhaitent en savoir plus sur le rôle crucial des forces aériennes pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.




East Kirkby
PE23 4DE Spilsby

Vue de carte

Horaires d'ouverture

Mardi9:30 - 16:00
Mercredi9:30 - 16:00
Jeudi9:30 - 16:00
Vendredi9:30 - 16:00
Samedi9:30 - 16:00


4180 Avis

John Bannister

We had a nice walk around on a cold January day. It was warm in the hanger where we saw Just Jane and the Mosquito and all the displays. Can't wait to come back again when they're taxiing them both.
Mike Nelson

Watch on you tube but even better to visit. Had a good talk to the staff. What a great project.
Ken M

Amazing Museum A whole day and did not see everything.
Liz McKibbin

Excellent place to visit. Our day included the tours and a very nice festive lunch and tea. Excellent history lesson and a fun day for children and adults who like aircrafts and engineering.
jane wells

This really is a fantastic place! We've been several times to different days and events , and it's always great 👍! Yesterday we had an inside tour followed by a scrumptious hightea and carols. Absolutely wonderful and the staff and volunteers are always so helpful and jolly. Highly recommend!
Kevin Draper

I visit Lincolnshire Aviation Heritage a couple of times a year. A little insight into a wartime active airbase. Some of the personal stories are emotional, then the star of the show, The Avro Lancaster NX611 'Just Jayne'. I highly recommend a visit to here
George Whisk

Always something great to see, the volunteers are great and very knowledgeable
Craig Oxby

Small in size, but more than expected with lots of in-depth history behind the big exhibits of the Lancaster and other classics.
Jane Wimbush

We had the most interesting day, the displays were excellent, and the volunteers giving up their time to do restoration & services on the planes were really forthcoming with information 👏 I'm a "Jane" so I was humbled to see that the Lancaster Bomber had been given the same name 😁 Well done to everyone on site, and may your good work continue 😃
Annie Slater

Fabulous place to visit and see some of our history, staff are friendly and helpful and looking forward to going again next year
Leighton Hopkinson

Went to firework display, was really good
James Dennis

Great day out.
Rebecca Dunning

Well worth a visit. Dog friendly, amazing heritage site and the Lancaster bomber is amazing to see.
David Woodhead

Fantastic if you are even remotely interested in WWII with an almost airworthy Lancaster, many other aiircraft including an almost airworthy Mosquito & parts recovered from local foelds of crashed warplanes
mark s

What a fantastic day we had , the museum is fill of really interesting bits and then I got my ride in the Lancaster, words fail ... Yes ,it's not. cheap, but the thought that we had help the investment of getting Just Jane airworthy, more than compensates
Andrew Hajewskyj

Interesting museum. Got to see a Lancaster and B25 bomber, as well as a Mosquito fighter. Also there is an interactive Camberra bomber cockpit section you can climb around. There is a also a cool selection of old vehicles and other objects. It's feeling a little dated, with laminated plastic reading as mostly giving information.
Andrew Wheeler

Enjoyed the day and evening here on 2 November at the fireworks day. A friend and I were armed with our cameras, plenty to see and photograph. The Lancaster was out and about on taxi runs which was amazing to see. Great place to visit.
snake peacock

Great day out
Derek Dunstan

Absolutely fantastic museum, made extra special hearing and seeing aircraft taxi.
Andrew Linstead

Great place to visit and watch taxi runs of both the Lancaster and mosquito
Jim Todd

Would give it 10 Stars if I could. Everything about this place is brilliant. The planes, the history, the stories, the artifacts. Could stare at the Lancaster and Mosquito all day long.
Michelle Woodward

We visited on a day when they were taxiing the Lancaster Bomber and the Mosquito. Lovely to hear their old engines rumbling. Lots to see in the museum itself. Definitely worth visiting.
Mick Suggitt

The whole event was awesome. Just Jane used to be at Blackpool Airport. As a child, l played in her. I also went through Just Jane with my father, a lot of memories . The firework display was exceptional.
Highland Classic Car Hire Ltd

Fascinating place to visit - great variety of exhibits and lots of information .
Paul Glancy

Great place we'll worth a visit 👍
Andrew Briggs

Great visit, amazing aircraft, fireworks were excellent
Mike Eyre

Went for the Lancaster and mosquito taxi run This was followed by a firework display The taxiing allowed a good view and sound of these wonderful aircraft The displays of vintage documents and other equipment was interesting and quite evocative The fireworks were brilliant All in all the whole event was well organised and a very pleasant day out
Kris Smith

First time visiting and was very impressed. Well organised, so much to see and it's obvious the aircraft are well looked after.
Matthew Bonham

Decent place to visit to view the Lancaster and various historical bits. When we visited it was quiet, so we managed to look at everything without rushing. Staff were friendly.


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